About the Views of Dummerston

The Views of Dummerston is a quarterly newsletter which has been published by a group of citizen volunteers since 1990, and has non-profit status through the Dummerston Community Center. It is supported by our advertisers and sponsors, and is free to any registered voter of the town. Sponsorships are inexpensive and all sponsors are noted in every issue.
Mary Lou McBean had the original vision for and was first editor of the Views, and Gary Blomgren created the original masthead art.
The current steering committee includes Roger Turner (editor), Michelle Cherrier (co-articles coordinator and calendar), Fred Lee (layout), Sara Ryan (ad coordinator), Linda Rood (co-articles coordinator), and Lee Ives Tice (mailing).
The Views mission statement is:
And stories of the townspeople and their good deeds,
In promoting cooperation and understanding
Toward "creating a more perfect" Dummerston.
"All who read may also contribute!"
Mary Lou McBean, Views founder
We welcome for publication all articles about life in, or the people of Dummerston. The deadline for article submission is published on page 2 of each issue for the next issue. Send your article to Articles@viewsofdummerston.org.
We welcome volunteers to help with folding and mailing the Views, an operation that we accomplish in one evening, quarterly. If you have a couple of hours to help us with this task, please contact Lee Ives Tice at Lee@viewsofdummerston.org. (Our folders are a great team, and would be happy to help with this task even if some kind of baked treat weren’t provided, which it is!)
If you have any other skill (e.g., proofreading, reporting, editing, page composition, soliciting advertising) that could help us create our quarterly newsletter, and you would like to volunteer to work with us, please contact Roger Turner at Roger@viewsofdummerston.org.
Past Issues
Here are recent issues of the Views, listed from newest to older...
Fall, 2024
Summer, 2024
Spring, 2024
Winter, 2024
Fall, 2023
Contact Us
The Views is mailed free of charge to all residents and registered voters of the town of Dummerston. It is also available online at viewsofdummerston.org. Because of the easy access to the online edition, we encourage people to help us save printing and mailing expenses by cancelling their print subscriptions. If you no longer wish to receive a printed copy of the Views, please email us at SubscribeOnline@viewsofdummerston.org. A one-year print subscription for non-residents/voters is available by mailing $5 to Lee Ives Tice, 230 Schoolhouse Rd., East Dummerston, VT 05346
"All who read may also contribute!" - Mary Lou McBean, founder, Views of Dummerston
We welcome all articles related in any way to the town of Dummerston, including news of town organizations, personalities, history, or activities. Email Microsoft Word documents (preferred) to Articles@viewsofdummerston.org. Typed or hand-written articles can also be sent to Michelle Cherrier, 72 Miller Rd., East Dummerston, VT 05346.
Any (non-commercial) event you would like listed on our Calendar of Events should be emailed to Calendar@viewsofdummerston.org, or mailed to Michelle Cherrier at the above address.
Ad rates are based on four issues per year, though ads can be placed for specific issues at an adjusted rate. Payment should be by a check made out to The Views of Dummerston, and mailed to Sara Ryan, 53 Greenhoe Rd., East Dummerston, VT 05346
• Small Box Ad $55
• Large Box Ad $85
Sponsorships of $25 for four issues augment our ad revenues to provide us with operating funds.
Information/Inquiries on Ads and Sponsorships: Contact Sara Ryan at Ads@viewsofdummerston.org, or at 387-0110.
We always appreciate suggestions and feedback at Feedback@viewsofdummerston.org.